We'll keep you updated with relevant news that relates to our community, beaches and campaigns. Please click the news links below to read more.
3 March 2023: Key community groups urge Noosa Council to focus on major environmental impact issues Local community groups are calling for Noosa Council’s draft Eastern Beaches Foreshore Management Plan (EBFMP) to be re-prioritised so the issues which are having the biggest impact on the environment and causing climate change susceptibility are made the key focus areas to be addressed. (click to read more...)
1 March 2023: Community groups request more feedback time on Council’s foreshore plan Eastern Beaches Protection Association, Noosa Boardriders Club and Peregian Family and Friends say there is an inadequate amount of time for the community to have their say on a land management plan that will determine the future usability and management of the vegetated beach areas spanning Peregian to Noosa . (click to read more...)
21 July 2021: Secret Council CHAP paper doesn’t back immediate planning restrictions on homes In another blow for Noosa Council’s embattled Coastal Hazards planning process, an internal Council options report doesn’t recommend the most controversial aspect of Council’s draft adaption plan as a priority. (click to read more...)
20 June 2021: EBPA joins effort to find sensible fixes to Noosa CHAP The Eastern Beaches Protection Association (EBPA) will work together with other community groups and Noosa Shire Council at a series of regular roundtable meetings on practical solutions to address resident and ratepayer concerns with the draft Noosa Coastal Hazard Adaptation Plan (CHAP). (click to read more...)
27 April 2021: Resident groups join forces, call for Noosa MP’s backing to scrap harsh planning changes Seven Noosa resident organisations have banded together to call on Member for Noosa Sandy Bolton to support their fight to fend off rushed and unnecessary planning changes under Council’s draft Coastal Hazard Adaptation Plan (CHAP). (click to read more...)
23 March 2021: Noosa Council secret plan to ram through dud planning changes exposed Noosa residents have been kept in the dark for more than seven months about a secret Council plan to implement adverse planning changes which ignore coastal erosion issues and pre-empt the outcome of the Coastal Hazards Adaptation Plan (CHAP). (click to read more...)
15 March 2021: Sunshine Coast Daily - Stoush erupts over plans to protect Noosa’s shores A battle is brewing over Noosa Shire Council's plans to safeguard its valuable coastline. A new residents group has formed in a bid to fight back against what it says is "buck passing to residents" by council. (click to read more...)
15 March 2021: EBPA - ‘Reckless’ Noosa Council Draft Hazard Plan dodges beach protection responsibility A newly formed Noosa residents group is fighting to fix Noosa Shire Council’s draft Coastal Hazard Adaption Plan (CHAP), demanding more work tackling coastal erosion not buck passing to residents. The Eastern Beaches Protection Association (EBPA) has lodged a scathing submission to Council... (click to read more....)
14 March 2021: Eastern Beaches residents letter - Important information about protecting our Eastern Beaches We all want our beaches to be protected from erosion, so our coastal communities stay liveable. But did you know Council’s draft plan for coastal hazard management proposes very little to actually protect our beaches and could still cost ratepayers hundreds of millions of dollars? That’s reckless... (click to read more...)
14 March 2021: Low lying property owners letter - Important information about how Council’s plan for future rising sea levels will cost you right now! Did you know Council’s draft coastal hazard plan proposes little in actual protection for our coastline and waterways but could still penalise you and cost current ratepayers hundreds of millions of dollars? This plan is not just about the Eastern Beaches and erosion, because the plan also says low lying properties in your area are subject to even more risk in the future from rising sea levels. (click to read more...)