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Our Campaigns

We believe that many voices are stronger than one. We advocate on behalf of the community to protect our beaches and lifestyle to ensure our special location can be enjoyed for generations to come. We seek to ensure the Noosa Shire Council, the state government and other policy makers take appropriate and proportionate steps when setting policy which impacts the community and our surrounds.  

The Shoreline is the Frontline

Key to protecting the community from climate change

Noosa Council’s draft Eastern Beaches Foreshore Management Plan (EBFMP) isn’t based on science or fact and the most significant problems have been overlooked and sidelined.

The issues causing the most environmental damage and leaving our community vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, must become Council’s priority.

We are highly supportive of an Eastern Beaches Foreshore Management Plan as a means to protect the natural environment as well as the way of life of the communities that enjoy our beaches for years to come.

What's wrong with the current draft plan? 

  • Council's stormwater management is ineffective and failing yet there is no funding assigned to address it;

  • Erosion susceptibility leave us vulnerable to big weather events and there are no commitments by Council to rectify the problem;

  • Compared to the other issues in the plan, encroachment is not our biggest problem plus it's easily fixed;

  • The current draft plan alludes to blanket restrictions on community access to their beaches without any evidence.

What do we want Noosa Council to do about it? 

  • Re-prioritise the plan so resources and funding are put toward improving local stormwater and sewerage issues; 

  • Undertake an ecology monitoring program on both turtle and koala populations; 

  • Undertake an evaluation to determine the scale of illegal built encroachments so measures to address them are of a relevant scale and proportionate;

  • Provide clarity regarding community groups that the Council engages with to establish the scope, parameters, and values of the draft and ensure there are no conflicts of interest;

  • Publicly commit to ensuring the foreshore ares maintain their recreation tenure status.

You can help ensure Noosa Council focuses on what's important

Proposed CHAP is not the solution

Fighting for better beach and waterway management

Noosa Shire Council’s proposed Coastal Hazards Adaptation Plan (CHAP) abandons the public beaches and creeks it is trustee and doesn’t invest in appropriate erosion control. It proposes restrictions on residents by immediately stopping them from maintaining or improving their properties even though that will ultimately have a negative impact on the beach, and is a major overreach by a local government which would set a disturbing precedent in the Noosa Shire and beyond. The Eastern Beaches communities deserve a better plan based on science and active work on dune and beach management.

The good news is our dunes are relatively stable.

The bad news is Council isn’t managing erosion as well as it could.


We are calling on Council to improve its proposed coastal hazard planning to put appropriate emphasis on what is actually happening with dunes and establish erosion control to protect our communities, our lifestyle and our families.

Noosa Shire Council - don't give up on our community


CHAP: Key issues

Why Council’s ‘Coastal Hazard Plan' fails Eastern Beaches residents


Other areas beware

Why Council’s approach to planning for coastal hazards is a risk to other Noosa residents


The facts

What the data tells us about our Beach and Coastal Creekline  Erosion


Stop Noosa Council directing Stormwater and allowing Treated Sewage from Eroding our Beach

The Noosa Council is stating that climate change and increasing rain events will result in significant erosion to our beaches.

Yet, it is currently directing Stormwater and Treated Sewage onto our beaches, which is causing significant erosion and contaminating our native fauna and beaches right now.


When Noosa Council was questioned about what they intend doing about this destruction, their response was “It’s Not a Priority“.

That’s Not Good Enough !!!!

Noosa’s Beaches are our greatest assets. 

As Trustees of our public foreshores, Noosa Council is required to protect and maintain the health of our creeks and the beach dunes.

By allowing the erosion and contamination of the beaches, they are not only failing in their duties but actively causing significant damage.

Please sign this E petition and pass it on to anyone who cares about our Precious Noosa Environment.


See the true story about the CHAP risk model that Council officers didn’t want you to know, what it actually found and what not even Councillors understood

See our letter below explaining to Councillors what the CHAP model actually does . This letter came about after discussions with Councillors showed that officers might have misled them over the levels of coastal risk . It’s science based, uses Council’s  own documents, and supports EBPA’s  call to protect our beaches especially when Council itself is contributing to beach erosion; to  scientifically monitor and protect the dunes and why the  threat of premature adverse planning proposals over family homes cant be justified by the science.


Council’s own model deliberately overstates erosion - it’s in the in the fine print - while their supporting documents found our local coastal dunes were dynamically stable and that there is no manifest risk currently to houses from erosion and a less than 1% risk  in 50-80 years time.


If Council applied adverse planning changes of this nature where there is actually less than 1% hazard risk - there are few properties across the Shire that wouldn’t be at risk of council planning changes restricting the use of your homes due to a range of hazards of the same if not greater level. This includes flood,  fire and other hazards.


No wonder Council said “this is just the beginning”. No local homes are safe from this Council if this is the criteria they adopt on natural hazards. 


It’s time stop the nonsense, protect the beaches and waterways from actual hazards, put in place a science-based dune monitoring and protection plan and abandon the pre-empted adverse planning changes in the draft CHAP.

One simple way you can start to help right now is sign the petition

If you're keen to assist with our campaigns or to join the Association, please send us a message

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