What We Do

Together we have a stronger voice, we work to ensure the Noosa Shire Council and other policy makers act in the best interests of all stakeholders when setting future policy.

Raising Awareness
We raise awareness of issues facing the community, including those that protect our beaches, dunes and unique way of life on the Sunshine Coast.

Building A Community
Being part of a community leads to a more fulfilling, connected and happy existence. We're building a community for the Eastern Beaches of the Noosa Shire.
The Shoreline is the Frontline...
The draft EBFMP doesn't protect the natural environment or the community from the impact of climate change
Noosa Council’s draft Eastern Beaches Foreshore Management Plan (EBFMP) isn’t based on science or fact and the most significant problems have been overlooked and sidelined.
The issues causing the most environmental damage and leaving our community vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, must become Council’s priority.
We are highly supportive of an Eastern Beaches Foreshore Management Plan as a means to protect the natural environment as well as the way of life of the communities that enjoy our beaches for years to come